Posts Tagged living with choice

a simple path to change

There is a simple path to making change in our lives. From our mood to our inner core beliefs, it is possible to create the life you want…really! It’s about awareness – choice – taking action. Thanks for watching…your comments are welcome!     If you, or someone you know, would like guidance down this […]


well-being in the face of hard times

How do you hang onto your well-being when life hands out hard stuff? Since my cancer diagnosis, I have become keenly aware of how much my attitude shapes my life.  You don’t have to have cancer to know this. There are plenty of life challenges to go around.  No matter what difficulty comes your way, […]


you’ve got to accentuate the positive

So many of us are stuck in our ways.  We get stuck with habits that don’t serve us.  We get stuck in the rut of routines. We get stuck in emotions that high-jack our lives. Negativity and fear tend to hold us back – keep us stuck. But it doesn’t have to work that way…really! […]