Posts Tagged genuine beings

the powerful language of cancer

My dear friend Cheryl Jones, shared a beautiful, heartfelt tribute to her mother who died this past week of cancer.  One part stood out for me when she said, “for her, cancer was not a battle. It was an experience. It was her last experience.” I found these words to describe an incredibly beautiful perception. I wrote to Cheryl – […]


asking ourselves the right questions

What links me to my authenticity? What is my source of power and potential? What do I say when a friend is grieving? How can I serve? How do I transform my thoughts into right action? Where in my body do I feel my flow of energy? Am I trusting my gut? What kind of day do […]


strength through surrender

Thinking of gaining strength through surrender must sound paradoxical.  It’s counter intuitive to think of surrender as an asset.  Yet, surrender is more than handing over one’s power. Surrender, when invoked from deep within, inspires acceptance, creative solutions, and resolution without struggle.  We all have gone through times of significant change.  Maybe it has manifested as […]


chronic and inevitable

I have been trying to put my finger on why I am obsessed with recurrence.  Maybe it’s not so weird for someone with cancer, but, hey…I’m new at this. But why would I be antsy to have a recurrence come sooner than later?  What’s up with that?  It’s not that I am hopeless, or depressed.  It’s more […]


awakening to vulnerability

I am going to take a risk here. You are likely to see me as vulnerable. Until recently, I didn’t know that vulnerability was a quality to aspire to…now I am so relieved!  My awakening to vulnerability is a gift from Brené Brown. (See below for more about her.)  I am deeply grateful for her […]


trusting my gut

When hard changes come and life’s transitions are in front of me, I gotta trust my gut. Through trusting my gut, I  have come to know these things to be true… I am the only one who can create real change in my life –  No other being can change who I really am.  Not my parents, […]


good can come from hard times

Sometimes life deals us hard stuff.  Changes, transitions, loss, grief. When I tackle these difficult, sometimes painful aspects of life, good things can come of it. I  don’t mean that it doesn’t hurt to lose a relationship, or it isn’t stressful to make changes in our work or homes.  It doesn’t mean we don’t have fear when illness come knocking […]